~ English~

Teatar Poco Loco / Poco Loco Theatre is an independent, experimental and socially engaged group of professional artists gathered around the goal of reaching alternative formal and narrative approaches in theatre for children and young people.

From our earliest days, we have engaged with the local community right from the start of our projects in an audience-driven creative and production process, and it was this way of working that gave rise to our concert readings, theatre walks, puppet musicals, classroom plays, and a showcase festival.

With our growing cast of actors, musicians, dramatists and visual artists, our founding members are renowned director Renata Carola Gatica, actors Dean Krivačić, Zrinka Kušević, actors and playwrights Maja Katić, Dunja Fajdić, and it is the common thread of their work that runs through all our projects.

Our plays are about getting to know ourselves and the needs of others, love and loss during childhood, getting to terms with our differences, history-inspired stories of women’s rights, and many more.

In our view, theatre should be a meeting point for children and young people, as well as their parents and school teachers, a place which transcends generational gaps and differences, enjoyed by young and old alike.

Legal form: NGO – arts organisation
Year of foundation: 2014.
Supported by: City of Zagreb, Ministry of Culture and media, Kultura Nova Foundation. 
Membership: members of Croatian Centre ASSITEJ
19 awards from prestigious national and international festivals
Annual number of performances: 301 performances in 2023.
theatre shows / for audience 2+ all the way up to 10+
concert reading of stories from all over the world / Priča mi se priča, eng. I feel like telling a story
theatre walk / Bajka za van, eng. Fairy Tale Walk
professionally managed play with children / Ba(j)ke nisu krive, eng. Fairy tales are not to blame (and the grannies telling them)
classroom plays / interactive meeting with historical figures and important changemakers for young audiences
play-concert, music album / Orkestra Pokoloka, all streaming services and live performances
– audio stories and audio poetry / our stories are on all streaming services
drama and music workshops
theater for sustainable communities / working in & with the local community, working with vulnerable groups, Erasmus+ partnership “Art for sustainable communities” with Järvilakeuden Kansalaisopisto, Finland
cycle of shows and panel discussions on taboo topics for younger audiences / Wed better (nottalk about it

Poco Loco Theatre – Get to know us – download

Artists: Renata Carola Gatica, Maja Katić, Zrinka Kušević, Dunja Fajdić, Dean Krivačić
Executive producer: Dunja Vuković
Production assistant: Ivor Popović

E-mail: teatarpocoloco@gmail.com
Mobile: 00385 99 649 6048, 00385 91 2543160 

Bank data
Name: Teatar Poco Loco
Address: Zeleni dol 8, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
ID Number: 29582160591
IBAN: HR7823400091110683260
Bank: Privredna banka Zagreb d.d., Radnička cesta 50, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia, SWIFT (BIC): PBZGHR2X