Bolje da o tome (ne) razgovaramo 2024. PRIJAVE PREDSTAVA

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Teatar Poco Loco objavljuje prijave za sudjelovanje u kazališnom programu revije “Bolje da o tome (ne) razgovaramo” koja će se održati od 16. do 21. rujna 2024. godine u Centru Knap u Zagrebu.
Na natječaj se mogu prijaviti profesionalna kazališta iz regije s predstavama za djecu i mlade.
Osnovni kriteriji za prijavu su tema i umjetnička vrijednost predstave. Tražimo predstave koje se bave tabu temama u kontekstu kazališta za djecu i mlade, a koje su imale svoju premijeru do 1. lipnja 2024.
O izboru predstava odlučuje umjetnički odbor Teatra Poco Loco.

Nakon svake predstave snimati će se podcast sa stručnim suradnicima na temu predstave.
Primjer prošlogodišnjeg razgovora dostupan je na YouTube kanalu Teatra Poco Loco:

Teatar Poco Loco pokriva troškove puta i smještaja.

Za prijavu je potrebno ispuniti formular:

Rok za podnošenje prijava je 1. srpnja 2024. Rezultate selekcije objavit ćemo do 10. srpnja 2024.
Prijave poslane nakon roka ili nepotpune prijave ne možemo smatrati valjanima

Poco Loco Theatre Company announces the open call for participation in the theatre programme of the festival ‘We’d better (not) talk about it’ which will take place from 16th to 21st September 2024 in KNAP Culture Centre in Zagreb. The call is open for all professional theatres and theatre companies from the region with plays for children and young people. The basic criteria for the selection is the subject and the artistic merit of the play. We are looking for shows which deal with taboo topics in the context of theatre for children and young people. It is important that the premiere has taken place up until 1st June 2024. The selection process is decided by the selection committee from the Poco Loco Theatre Company which consists of professional artists.
After each performance, a podcast will be filmed with round table expert discussions on the topic of a given play. For the last edition of the festival with examples of the round table discussions, check the podcast on the Poco Loco Theatre Company YouTube channel on the following link:

Poco Loco Theatre Company covers all travel and accommodation expenses.

Participants must fill in thefollowing application form:
The deadline for submitting applications is 1st July 2024.
The results will be published on 10th July 2024.
Applications sent after the deadline or incomplete applications will not be considered for selection.